From April 5 to April 6, SEC4YOU sup­port­ed the Secu­ri­ty Forum of the Hagen­ber­ger Kreis in Hagenberg/Upper Aus­tria. The event takes up the chall­enge to edu­ca­te about the cur­rent thre­ats to infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty and high­lights sel­ec­ted tech­ni­cal aspects such as secu­ri­ty in IoT / indus­tri­al con­trol as well as secu­ri­ty in web appli­ca­ti­ons. Experts share their legal know­ledge on the EU NIS Direc­ti­ve and the 2018 effec­ti­ve Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on and pro­vi­de tips for the use of data pro­tec­tion manage­ment systems.

SEC4YOU at the Secu­ri­ty Forum in Hagenberg

In the FH Upper Aus­tria, Cam­pus Hagen­berg SEC4YOU pres­ents this year the easy ent­ry into the DSGVO with the SEC4YOU DSGVO Rea­di­ness Check as well as the IT-Basis Check IS-Stand­ort­be­stim­mung accor­ding to 27001. All visi­tors have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take their choice of pro­fes­sio­nal secu­ri­ty awa­re­ness tips at the booth.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about the event can be found on the event page:

Topic focus at the event:

  • SEC4YOU DSGVO Rea­di­ness Check
  • IT-Basis Check: Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty Assess­ment accor­ding to ISO 27001
  • Pene­tra­ti­on Testing
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Tips