For the 13th time the Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty Sym­po­si­um of CIS — Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on & Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty Ser­vices GmbH took place. The event had Kur­sa­lon Hüb­ner an exclu­si­ve set­ting for the invi­ted experts. The event is aimed at IT experts, IT secu­ri­ty spe­cia­lists and mana­gers who deal with secu­ri­ty stan­dards in IT. Bes­i­des the DSGVO, the event pri­ma­ri­ly focu­ses on pro­fes­sio­nal ISO 27001 imple­men­ta­ti­ons and the appro­pria­te Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty Manage­ment Sys­tems (ISMS) for struc­tu­red documentation.

This year SEC4YOU pres­ents under the direc­tion of Man­fred Scholz at both busi­ness are­as IT audits and infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty con­sul­ting. In the area of IT audits, the important pene­tra­ti­on tests were exten­ded by the SEC4YOU DSGVO Rea­di­ness Check, which shows Aus­tri­an com­pa­nies in a short time whe­ther all requi­re­ments for the DSGVO are alre­a­dy covered.

Com­pa­nies that are curr­ent­ly ori­en­ted towards ISO 27001, or are aiming for cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, can use the IT-Basis Check — Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty Site Assess­ment accor­ding to ISO 27001 to ana­ly­ze what effort ISO 27001 would mean for their own com­pa­ny, but also what oppor­tu­ni­ties can be achie­ved through standardization.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on at the event under and from Man­fred Scholz,

Our topic focus at the event:

  • SEC4YOU DSGVO Rea­di­ness Check
  • IT-Basis Check: Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty Assess­ment accor­ding to ISO 27001
  • Pene­tra­ti­on Testing
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Tips