Tem­p­la­te Secu­re Coding Manu­al accor­ding ISO 27001 and VDA ISATISAX®

Tem­p­la­te Secu­re Coding Manu­al accor­ding ISO 27001 and VDA ISATISAX®


The Secure Coding Manual template provides you with clearly defined guidelines on information security in the area of Secure Coding / Secure Design / Secure Development as an integral part of the entire software development process. This guideline applies to all employees who develop software (software developers). The size or purpose of the software to be developed is irrelevant.

The manual complies with the new controls A.8.25 Secure development life cycle, A.8.27 Secure system architecture and engineering principles, A.8.28 Secure coding, A.8.29 Security testing in development and acceptance, A.8.31 Separation of development, test and production environments, A.8.33 Test information of ISO 27001:2022.

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The Secu­re Coding Manu­al descri­bes the enti­re Secu­re Deve­lo­p­ment Life­cy­cle (SDLC) on around 16 pages in the fol­lo­wing steps: risk ana­ly­sis, plan­ning, design, deve­lo­p­ment, test­ing and inte­gra­ti­on, appr­oval and releases, ope­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce as well as dis­po­sal. Par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on is paid to inter­nal chan­ge manage­ment and ver­si­on con­trol in order to be able to put your pro­duct cycles into ope­ra­ti­on in a cle­ar­ly defi­ned manner.

The chap­ter on tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res during the enti­re deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess defi­nes, among other things, secu­ri­ty stan­dards for deve­lo­p­ment, rules for third-par­ty libra­ri­es, spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for code ana­ly­sis and the hand­ling of test data.

As with other gui­de­lines, a review pro­cess is plan­ned for the gui­de­line its­elf, as well as regu­lar trai­ning for deve­lo­pers on the con­tents of the guideline.

The stan­dard-com­pli­ant spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for secu­re soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment have been tes­ted seve­ral times in ISO 27001 and VDA ISA / TISAX® pro­jects and have been cer­ti­fied as effec­ti­ve by various test­ing ser­vice pro­vi­ders. Of cour­se, we recom­mend adap­ting them to the methods and tools used by your company.

Lan­guage: Ger­man or English

Licen­se: Digi­tal tem­p­la­te in Micro­soft Office for­mat with right of use for a com­pa­ny. The tem­p­la­te may be modi­fied as desi­red. No resa­le, trans­fer or com­mer­cial use by con­sul­ting com­pa­nies is permitted.

Additional information


Deutsch, Englisch

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