Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Video for employees

Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Video for employees

 12,50 750,00

The Security Awareness Training developed by SEC4YOU follows the proven training method

  1. Sensitize
  2. Educate
  3. Train

The training videos are designed for employees who regularly work with IT systems of the company and thus have comprehensive rights regarding information and end device usage.

Based on current incidents and threats to information security, e.g. cyber attacks, the requirements of the User Policy / Acceptable Use Policy are explained, justified and trained in detail. Numerous examples are used to train the knowledge acquired, with employees being involved in the training via quizzes.

Together with the person responsible for training at the company, we coordinate the contents and framework conditions of the employees to be trained in a preliminary meeting. The coordination takes about 45 minutes and takes place by telephone.

SEC4YOU creates a video from the agreed content, whereby the logo of the contractor can be integrated. The video is made available via our protected video platform, whereby access is password-protected. From 100 employees, the video can be integrated via the company's intranet site.

SKU: N/A Category:


Core con­tents: Infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty — ran­som­wa­re / encryp­ti­on Tro­jans — phis­hing / spear phis­hing attacks — CEO/CFO fraud — cor­rect hand­ling of pass­words — social engi­nee­ring — use of end devices — dan­gers in the home office — report­ing incidents.

Dura­ti­on: approx. 45 minu­tes video, addi­tio­nal approx. 45 minu­tes preli­mi­na­ry dis­cus­sion with the client

Lan­guage: Ger­man or English

Medi­um: hos­ted video trai­ning with access measurement


Fixed pri­ce for up to 60 employees

addi­tio­nal employees: 12,50€ each

from 250 employees: pri­ce on request

Additional information

number of users

Basic package for 60 users, additional users

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