Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Trai­ning for Employees

Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Trai­ning for Employees

 555,00 2.100,00

All current norms and standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001, VDA/ISA TISAX®, EBA Guidelines, the EIOPA guidelines, etc., recommend that security awareness training be conducted for all employees. The training is designed for employees who regularly work with IT systems of the company and thus have comprehensive rights regarding information and end device usage.

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The secu­ri­ty awa­re­ness trai­ning cour­ses deve­lo­ped by SEC4YOU fol­low the pro­ven trai­ning methodology:


Based on cur­rent inci­dents and thre­ats to infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty, e.g. cyber attacks, the requi­re­ments of the User Poli­cy / Accep­ta­ble Use Poli­cy are explai­ned, jus­ti­fied and trai­ned in detail. The know­ledge gai­ned is prac­ti­ced in num­e­rous examp­les, with quiz­zes actively invol­ving the par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the training.

Tog­e­ther with the per­son respon­si­ble for trai­ning at the com­pa­ny, we coor­di­na­te the con­tents and frame­work con­di­ti­ons of the per­sons to be trai­ned in a preli­mi­na­ry dis­cus­sion. The coor­di­na­ti­on takes about 45 minu­tes and takes place by telephone.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the trai­ning will be pro­vi­ded as a PDF docu­ment after the training.

Num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts: up to 20 par­ti­ci­pan­ts per trai­ning block

Dura­ti­on: approx. 90 minu­tes trai­ning, addi­tio­nal­ly approx. 45 minu­tes preli­mi­na­ry dis­cus­sion with the client

Lan­guage: Ger­man or English

Medi­um: online trai­ning via Zoom, Micro­soft Teams or mee­ting plat­form pro­vi­ded by customer

Dates: Plea­se enter your pre­fer­red dates in the “Notes” field on the check­out page. We will cont­act you as soon as pos­si­ble after you have pla­ced your order to coor­di­na­te the dates and arran­ge a preli­mi­na­ry meeting.

Additional information

Training block (per 20 participants)

1 training block, 2 training blocks, 3 training blocks, 4 training blocks, 5 training blocks

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