“Delivery encrypted or locked” — for your ISMS we are happy to provide our free and royalty-free graphic. Use the “Save graphic as” function of your browser to use this pictogram for your information security system.
Abbildung: Lieferung verschlüsselt oder versperrt
With this pictogram you can create understandable user policies, which are required for an ISMS according to ISO/IEC 27001, e.g. the user policy / Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) with the protection classes “NOT CLASSIFIED”, “RESTRICTED”, “CONFIDENTIAL”, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL”, or in the automotive industry according to VDA ISA / TISAX in the protection classes “normal”, “high” and “very high”.
Example of SEC4YOU recommendation for a user policy:
Figure: Classification of protection classes SEC4YOU recommendation with BSI and TISAX
Via the search function of our website as well as in the ISMS Blog you will find many more free pictograms for your ISMS.
Please understand that the offered icons / pictograms are only offered for use in ISMS / DSMS systems of companies. A resale or commercial use, e.g. by consultants, of the works is not permitted.
If you need a written confirmation of use as proof of lawful use, please use our contact form. We will then immediately send you a confirmation issued to your company.