The inven­to­ry of pro­ces­sing acti­vi­ties accor­ding to Artic­le 30 (wit­hout sound).

Video pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our GDPR work­shop in Vien­na on Novem­ber 7, 2017.

This video is the pre­sen­ta­ti­on recor­ding of our GDPR “What & How” cus­to­mer event held in Vien­na on Novem­ber 7, 2017. Learn with the video the important fea­tures of a regis­ter of pro­ces­sing acti­vi­ties accor­ding to the DSGVO Aric­le 30.

The video also includes in the last part a mas­ter tem­p­la­te for crea­ting the tabu­lar list of pro­ces­sing activities.

The data sub­ject rights under Artic­les 12–22 and 34 (wit­hout sound).

Video pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our DSGVO cus­to­mer event in Vien­na from Decem­ber 12, 2017.

This video is the pre­sen­ta­ti­on recor­ding of our DSGVO “What & How” work­shop held in Vien­na on Decem­ber 12, 2017. Learn with the video the important requi­re­ments of data sub­ject rights under the GDPR Aric­les 12–22 and 34. Defi­ned are the terms “per­so­nal data” and “spe­cial cata­go­ries of per­so­nal data” as well as “pro­ces­sor”. Then the rights of data sub­jects are explai­ned in detail: right to infor­ma­ti­on (Art. 13 and 14), right to access (Art. 15), right to rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on (Art. 16), right to era­su­re (Art. 17), right to rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing (Art. 18), right to data por­ta­bi­li­ty (Art. 20), right to object (Art. 21) and right not to be sub­ject to an exclu­si­ve­ly auto­ma­ted decis­i­on (Art. 22).

For the right to era­su­re, I explain a stan­dar­di­zed era­su­re con­cept that I recom­mend and can be appli­ed for the GDPR implementation.

Tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res accor­ding to Artic­le 32 (wit­hout sound)

Video pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our DSGVO cus­to­mer event from Janu­ary 18, 2018.

When it comes to the tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res — abbre­via­ted “TOM” of the GDPR from Artic­le 32, most rea­ders read out encryp­ti­on. This is in the very least cases the solu­ti­on to the requi­re­ments of Artic­le 32. It must be cla­ri­fied pri­ma­ri­ly how the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, inte­gri­ty, avai­la­bi­li­ty and resi­li­ence of the data pro­ces­sing sys­tems can be ensu­red. What is to be done? How is it to be done? Whe­re is it to be done? Who has to do it? In the pre­sen­ta­ti­on, we will cla­ri­fy which norms and stan­dards can be used as a gui­de­line to ensu­re com­pre­hen­si­ve pro­tec­tion of pro­ces­sing in accordance with Artic­le 32 and how the effec­ti­ve­ness can be regu­lar­ly checked.

UPDATE 23. Febru­ar 2018

Inter­nal and exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders in accordance with Artic­le 28 (wit­hout sound).

Video pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our DSGVO cus­to­mer event on Febru­ary 23, 2018.

A high­ly punis­ha­ble requi­re­ment of the GDPR is to agree a writ­ten con­tract with all its pro­ces­sors (pre­vious­ly ser­vice pro­vi­ders). This appli­es to inter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders within cor­po­ra­te groups, as well as with all exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders that pro­cess or can access per­so­nal data of the con­trol­ler (pre­vious­ly principal).
But what must the con­tent of such a con­tract be?
How should a con­tract with a pro­ces­sor be desi­gned and how can one pro­tect ones­elf as well as pos­si­ble from liability?
In the pre­sen­ta­ti­on, we cla­ri­fy the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for the ful­fill­ment of the GDPR Artic­le 28 and give prac­ti­cal tips for the implementation!

Lec­tu­re by RA Dr. Mar­kus Frank
UPDATE 21. März 2018

Risk ana­ly­sis as a preli­mi­na­ry step to data pro­tec­tion impact assess­ment (wit­hout sound)

Video pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our DSGVO cus­to­mer event on March 21, 2018.

The GDPR requi­res a risk assess­ment by the con­trol­ler and pro­ces­sor when pro­ces­sing per­so­nal data in order to defi­ne the tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res that ensu­re a level of pro­tec­tion appro­pria­te to the risk.

If any pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and free­doms of natu­ral per­sons, an assess­ment of the con­se­quen­ces must be car­ri­ed out.

In the SEC4YOU work­shop, we cla­ri­fy the con­tents of a data pro­tec­tion impact assess­ment (DIA) and prac­ti­ce the cor­rect imple­men­ta­ti­on of risk manage­ment using a prac­ti­cal example.