Euro­pe lags signi­fi­cant­ly behind in cyber­crime detection:

Accor­ding to FireEy­e’s latest M‑Trends Report EMEA 2016, it takes com­pa­nies in Euro­pe an avera­ge of 469 days to noti­ce an intru­si­on by hackers. Tha­t’s more than three times lon­ger than the glo­bal avera­ge of 146 days. A hacker brea­king into a net­work is quite com­pa­ra­ble to a burglar brea­king into a com­pa­ny buil­ding or home. Sure­ly it can­not be that this cyber­crime goes unde­tec­ted for such a long peri­od of time. In a SEC4YOU sur­vey, 100% of the respond­ents agreed that cyber attacks must also be detec­ted imme­dia­te­ly or at the lon­gest on the same day.

Only a struc­tu­red approach to the imple­men­ta­ti­on of secu­ri­ty mea­su­res can signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce this cyber­crime blind­ness. An essen­ti­al pre­re­qui­si­te for this is the crea­ti­on of secu­ri­ty zones in the net­work and the rigo­rous moni­to­ring of net­work traf­fic in and bet­ween the­se zones.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on pro­tec­tion against cyber­crime: Man­fred Scholz,