Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on accor­ding to ISO/IEC 27001 — fast implementation

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on accor­ding to ISO/IEC 27001 — fast implementation

Orga­niza­ti­ons that wish to cer­ti­fy to ISO/IEC 27001, or estab­lish an ISMS to 27001, have the chal­lenges of imple­men­ting the mea­su­res in Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on A.8.2 of Appen­dix A. In sum­ma­ry, the­se requi­re­ments are that:

  1. Infor­ma­ti­on recei­ves an appro­pria­te level of pro­tec­tion accor­ding to its value;
  2. Infor­ma­ti­on is clas­si­fied accor­ding to exter­nal and inter­nal requirements;
  3. infor­ma­ti­on is labe­led accor­ding to a clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on scheme;
  4. the­re are pro­ce­du­res for hand­ling it accor­ding to the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on scheme.

Refe­rence Eng­lish: A.8.2 Infor­ma­ti­on clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on, A.8.2.1 Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on, A.8.2.2 Label­ling of infor­ma­ti­on, A.8.2.3 Hand­ling of assets

The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of information

Past expe­ri­ence has shown us that the clas­sic clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on sche­me of “Public”, “Inter­nal”, “Con­fi­den­ti­al” and “Strict­ly Con­fi­den­ti­al” works poor­ly in prac­ti­ce, here is an over­view of the scheme.

Öffent­lich Intern Ver­trau­lich Streng Ver­trau­lich
Daten sind für jeder­mann, auch außer­halb der Fir­ma, zugänglich. Inter­ne Daten wer­den ledig­lich den eige­nen Mit­ar­bei­tern zugäng­lich gemacht. Ver­trau­lich defi­nier­te Daten sind ledig­lich einer begrenz­ten Anzahl an Mit­ar­bei­tern zugäng­lich, z.B. Per­so­nal­da­ten, Kun­den­lis­ten, Kalkulationen. Streng ver­trau­li­che Daten sind punk­tu­ell und aus­schließ­lich bestimm­ten defi­nier­ten Per­so­nen zugäng­lich. Eine Wei­ter­ga­be kann das Unter­neh­men nach­hal­tig schädigen.

The weak­ne­s­ses of the clas­sic clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on sche­me are:

  1. Employees are over­whel­med with labe­l­ing all docu­ments; during an audit, the audi­tor finds tons of unla­be­led “Inter­nal” information.
  2. Employees do not under­stand the dif­fe­rence bet­ween “Public” and “Inter­nal”.
  3. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly dili­gent employees quick­ly iden­ti­fy “Con­fi­den­ti­al” or “Strict­ly Con­fi­den­ti­al” infor­ma­ti­on in their work docu­ments, caus­ing high effort and high cos­ts in infor­ma­ti­on handling.

Expl­ana­ti­ons to ISO/IEC 27001 Annex A — A.8.2 Infor­ma­ti­on classification

Inher­ent in the goal of this con­trol is the requi­re­ment that com­pa­nies pro­vi­de a level of pro­tec­tion for their infor­ma­ti­on. It must be taken into account that dif­fe­rent infor­ma­ti­on has dif­fe­rent values for the com­pa­ny. For exam­p­le, employee data, cus­to­mer data and deve­lo­p­ment data typi­cal­ly requi­re bet­ter pro­tec­tion than pro­duct information.

Expl­ana­ti­on to A.8.2.1 Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of information

With this mea­su­re, the stan­dard aims to ensu­re that infor­ma­ti­on is clas­si­fied at all times, wher­eby the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on level must be deri­ved from legal requi­re­ments, or value or criticality.

Expl­ana­ti­on to A.8.2.2 Labe­l­ing of information

The pur­po­se of labe­l­ing infor­ma­ti­on is to enable users to easi­ly iden­ti­fy the infor­ma­ti­on clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on level of the data in ques­ti­on. This labe­l­ing must cover elec­tro­ni­cal­ly stored data as well as prin­ted and archi­ved information.

Expl­ana­ti­on to A.8.2.3 Value handling

In addi­ti­on to the labe­l­ing of infor­ma­ti­on accor­ding to the infor­ma­ti­on clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on sche­me, users need under­stan­da­ble ins­truc­tions on how to hand­le the data. A matrix of the most important ways of hand­ling infor­ma­ti­on and whe­re it can be stored has pro­ven useful here:

  1. How to label?
  2. Whe­re can the infor­ma­ti­on be stored? (at the cli­ent, on which servers)
  3. May the infor­ma­ti­on be stored in the cloud? (if yes, in which clouds)
  4. Is sto­rage on mobi­le media or smart­phone allowed?
  5. Are employees allo­wed to send clas­si­fied infor­ma­ti­on via email, if so with what addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion methods?
  6. To whom and with what requi­re­ments may clas­si­fied infor­ma­ti­on be shared? (both elec­tro­ni­cal­ly and in paper form).
  7. May infor­ma­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al pro­tec­tion clas­ses be sent? If so, from whom is aut­ho­riza­ti­on required?
  8. How must infor­ma­ti­on be dis­po­sed of? Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, this includes paper docu­ments and sto­rage media.

All the­se points can be sum­ma­ri­zed in a matrix of per­mis­si­ble use. We recom­mend using meaningful pic­to­grams here and are hap­py to pro­vi­de the gra­phics deve­lo­ped by SEC4YOU.

In the Assign­ment table — Assign­ment of ISO/IEC27001 and ISO/IEC27002 to moder­ni­zed IT-Grund­schutz from the Ger­man BSI, you will find a refe­rence to BSI Stan­dard 200–2, Chap­ter 8.2 Deter­mi­ning the need for pro­tec­tion, on page 11:

This pro­tec­tion needs assess­ment in BSI Stan­dard 200–2 signi­fi­cant­ly sim­pli­fies the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on sche­me by dis­pen­sing with the clas­ses “Public” and “Inter­nal” and ins­tead recom­mends only three cate­go­ries “Nor­mal” as well as “High” and “Very High”.

nor­mal hoch sehr hoch
The dama­ge effects are limi­t­ed and manageable. The dama­ge impact can be significant. The dama­ge effects can reach exis­ten­ti­al­ly threa­tening, cata­stro­phic proportions.

The fol­lo­wing advan­ta­ges result from the BSI categories:

  1. The often incor­rect use of the “Inter­nal” clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is eliminated.
  2. The litt­le infor­ma­ti­on that is actual­ly “Public” is not taken into account and sim­pli­fies the guideline.
  3. Due to the naming of cata­stro­phic ext­ent for the cate­go­ry “very high”, the­re are usual­ly only a few infor­ma­ti­on values of this pro­tec­tion cate­go­ry. This redu­ces cos­ts for expen­si­ve tech­ni­cal measures.

The labe­l­ing of information

Espe­ci­al­ly with the clas­si­cal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on sche­me with “Public”, “Inter­nal”, “Con­fi­den­ti­al” and “Strict­ly Con­fi­den­ti­al”, the mar­king of all four cate­go­ries is a very com­plex task, espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce infor­ma­ti­on is often also stored in non-office docu­ments e.g. gra­phics, text files, databases.

Exam­p­le of a poli­cy for mar­king information:

The SEC4YOU recom­men­da­ti­on, which is based on the BSI Stan­dard 200–2, makes it pos­si­ble to for­mu­la­te this gui­de­line in a much simp­ler way:

Appro­pria­te clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on values for TISAX certification

As you can see in the gra­phic, the BSI recom­men­da­ti­on is iden­ti­cal to the VDA ISA recom­men­da­ti­on for the Infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try. In the docu­ment Har­mo­niza­ti­on of Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on Levels, the Ger­man Asso­cia­ti­on of the Auto­mo­ti­ve Indus­try (VDA) offers the fol­lo­wing gene­ral pro­tec­tion clas­ses for com­pa­nies, depen­ding on the poten­ti­al dama­ge: “nor­mal”, “high” and “very high”. Auto­mo­ti­ve sup­pli­ers see­king TISAX cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons are well advi­sed to imple­ment the BSI = VDA ISA pro­tec­tion classes.

Recom­men­da­ti­on: Descri­be in your poli­cy that “inter­nal” data or infor­ma­ti­on of the pro­tec­tion class “nor­mal” does not need to be mark­ed. This is also a recom­men­ded action in the ISO/IEC 27002 stan­dard, para­graph 8.2.2.

Howe­ver, when imple­men­ting ISO/IEC 27001, it is important for the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons “Con­fi­den­ti­al” as well as “Strict­ly Con­fi­den­ti­al” (or accor­ding to BSI “High” as well as “Very High”) that all clas­si­fied docu­ments are mark­ed. This can be achie­ved with:

  • Train your employees to crea­te con­fi­den­ti­al documents.
  • Spe­cial mark­ed are­as in the intra­net with strict user restrictions
  • Word, Excel and Power­Point tem­pla­tes for con­fi­den­ti­al and strict­ly con­fi­den­ti­al data (or “high” and “very high”) on which the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is cle­ar­ly visi­ble on each docu­ment page.
  • For the “strict­ly con­fi­den­ti­al” or BSI “very high” class, the allo­wed reci­pi­ents must be lis­ted at the begin­ning of the document.

Important: When mar­king, take into account both elec­tro­ni­cal­ly stored docu­ments and paper prin­touts of the­se documents.

The hand­ling of values

ISO/IEC 27001 is com­pa­ra­tively vague on the hand­ling of infor­ma­ti­on assets, but it requires:

Pro­ce­du­res for hand­ling assets are deve­lo­ped and imple­men­ted accor­ding to the infor­ma­ti­on clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on sche­me used by the organization.”

In prac­ti­ce, orga­niza­ti­ons docu­ment and train employees on gui­de­lines for the fol­lo­wing hand­ling methods:

  1. Labe­l­ing
  2. Sto­rage
  3. Sto­rage in the cloud
  4. Use of mobi­le devices and data carriers
  5. Email use
  6. Sha­ring
  7. Phy­si­cal shipping
  8. Data des­truc­tion

Here is an exam­p­le of a poli­cy for hand­ling infor­ma­ti­on assets in the clas­sic clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on scheme:

Hand­ling is clea­rer for users when using a sepa­ra­te “Unclas­si­fied” clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on and the BSI/TISAX pro­tec­tion classes:

In our ISMS Blog: ISO/IEC 27001 — VDA ISA / TISAXyou will find the pic­to­grams used for free use as well as fur­ther tips for your ISMS.

If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us via our cont­act form any time.

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By |2022-11-06T09:49:11+01:0013.11.2019|ISMS tools|

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About the Author:

Als Experte für Informationssicherheit / Informationssicherheits-Managementsysteme (ISMS), IT-Sicherheit, Authentifizierung, sowie PKI und Verschlüsselung verfügt er über mehr als 20 Jahre technische Erfahrung in Serverinfrastruktur sowie Unternehmensnetzwerkarchitektur. Seine ausgezeichneten Kenntnisse in ISO 27001 und ISA 6 / TISAX ermöglichen es ihm, Kunden in NIS2 Umsetzungen und bei InfoSec Zertifizierungsprozessen effektiv zu unterstützen. Zudem ist er hervorragend mit europäischen Zertifizierungsstellen vernetzt.
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