
Glea­nings: GDPR Work­shop — The Direc­to­ry of Pro­ces­sing Acti­vi­ties with Template

Due to the great demand of our customers and interested parties on the topic of GDPR and Directory of Procedures, SEC4YOU offered a GDPR workshop in November 2017, which specifically highlights the implementation of GDPR measures and offers affected companies the opportunity to start directly at the workshop with the measures or to support [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:15+01:0013.11.2017|Blog EN, Data protection|

GDPR: AIR’s Basic Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on Semi­nar — 22. Jän. 2018

On January 22, 2018, Akademie Interne Revision GmbH (AIR) will be holding a seminar in Vienna on the topic of "Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO)". Seminar topic: After many years of intensive negotiations, the EU member states have agreed on a reform of data protection in Europe. The GDPR came into force on 24.5.2016 and [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:29+01:0011.11.2017|Data protection, Events|

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 12.12.2017 — Data sub­ject rights

2nd date: Data subjects' rights according to Article 12-23 - "Data subjects' rights" In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events focusing on the "what" and the "how". In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") are presented in addition to the known requirements of the [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:41+01:0008.11.2017|Data protection, Events|

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 7.11.2017

1st deadline: The directory of processing activities according to Article 30 In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events focusing on the what and how. In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") will be presented in addition to the known requirements of the EU GDPR (the [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:59:04+01:0017.10.2017|Data protection, Events|

Bit­Lo­cker encryp­ti­on in terms of GDPR

We are pleased to announce the new "Guide to the use of endpoint encryption with Microsoft BitLocker in terms of the GDPR". The SEC4YOU guide looks at the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides concrete recommendations for client deployment. From the content Evaluation of protection goals for BitLocker (BL) - [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:00:24+01:0003.07.2017|Blog EN, Data protection|

Tip #5: Clear Desk Policy

Clear Desk Policy: Unprotected documents at the workplace can very easily be viewed or copied by unauthorized persons in your absence. Therefore, keep sensitive documents in a secure lockable location while you are away. If you work with internal or confidential data, you need an access system at the office door and a lockable box [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:22+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|

Tip #4: Cau­ti­on Social Engineering

Social engineering exploits human behavior such as helpfulness or respect for authority to obtain confidential information. When communicating with unknown people, be careful what information you disclose. Places and media used for social engineering: public transportation at the lunch table at business events in the company parking lot by telephone by e-mail online surveys through [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:29+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|

Tip #3: Always super­vi­se visitors

The entry of visitors or guests without supervision poses a risk to the protection of information. Always pick up visitors from the doorman and escort them while they are in the company. If there are guest badges, ask your visitors to wear them, especially if they are allowed to move freely around the company. Do [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:36+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|
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