
Review: Secu­ri­ty Forum of the Hagen­berg Cir­cle in Hagenberg/Upper Austria

From April 5 to April 6, SEC4YOU supported the Security Forum of the Hagenberger Kreis in Hagenberg/Upper Austria. The event takes up the challenge to educate about the current threats to information security and highlights selected technical aspects such as security in IoT / industrial control as well as security in web applications. Experts share [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:39+01:0028.02.2017|Events|

Review: Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Day Semi­nar — The Human Firewall

On May 9, 2017, Akademie Interne Revision GmbH held a security awareness seminar in Vienna entitled "Security Awareness - the Human Firewall". Seminar topic: In this seminar, the necessary elements of successful security awareness campaigns are taught. Based on psychological aspects and the typical challenges, the successful measures for sensitization, education and regular training will [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:53+01:0028.02.2017|Events|
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