Data protection - awareness

Basic Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR) Audit Approa­ches and Impacts on Inter­nal Audit Activities

From January 21 to 22, 2019, a training course on the topic of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Audit Approaches and Impacts on Internal Audit Activities will be held at the Academy of Internal Auditing in Vienna. Primary target group are interested persons in the audit department, IT department, security and data protection officers [...]

free data pro­tec­tion awa­re­ness trai­ning contents

More and more often we are asked how to train data protection and the requirements of the GDPR. For internal data protection officers (DPOs) or, if you don't have a DPO, for the internal data protection contact person, there are numerous training courses and courses for further training in the GDPR requirements. However, familiarization [...]

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #8 Data Security

The security of data must be guaranteed by appropriate technical and organizational measures. Important objectives include protection against unauthorized access, data loss and manipulation. This principle refers to a wealth of technical and organizational measures that must be taken when storing and processing personal data. Since the terms pseudonymization and encryption are mentioned several times [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee data pro­tec­tion awa­re­ness: #7 Defi­ned dele­ti­on obligations

Personal data must be deleted, for example, after the purpose of the processing no longer applies and the necessary retention periods have expired. It is therefore not permissible to retain personal data for an unlimited period of time. This principle can be implemented most easily by means of a company-wide deletion concept. Here, the different [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Pri­va­cy Awa­re­ness: #6 Accu­ra­cy of Data

Personal data must be recorded correctly and kept accurate for the required processing period.  Individuals have the right to rectification. This principle is one of the difficult principles, because especially in the case of prospect or customer data, one does not learn about every data change and thus cannot correct it. However, it is important [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #4 Pur­po­se limi­ta­ti­on of data

Personal data may only ever be stored and processed for a permissible purpose, about which the persons concerned must always be informed. Data may only be passed on to third parties for a specific purpose, e.g. passing on address data to the parcel shipper. Examples of the transfer of data that must be documented in [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #3 Trans­pa­rent Processing

When processing personal data, the processing must be transparent to the extent necessary for the data subject to understand the processing. Comprehensibility for those affected includes, among other things: Communications must be formulated in an understandable, precise and simple language. Information and, in particular, declarations of consent must not be "hidden" in the GTCs, but [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #1 Prin­ci­ples of the GDPR

The processing and storage of personal data is prohibited in principle, unless the principle of lawfulness is met and demonstrated. The GDPR defines further principles that must be complied with and demonstrated. The personal data include: The name, age, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, IP address on the Internet, account number, all [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|
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