Bit­Lo­cker: End­point encryp­ti­on as defi­ned by the GDPR

Manfred Scholz, SEC4YOU Geschäftsführer - Experte für IT-Audits, DSGVO, Verschlüsselung u.a. Microsoft BitLocker

Man­fred Scholz, SEC4YOU Mana­ging Director

The basis for this gui­de­line is the need for action in the pro­ces­sing and sto­rage of per­so­nal data, as well as per­so­nal data requi­ring spe­cial pro­tec­tion, espe­ci­al­ly as soon as this data is expo­sed to an increased risk of loss through sto­rage on mobi­le devices.

The pro­tec­tion of data on mobi­le devices poses a con­sidera­ble chall­enge to respon­si­ble per­sons, as the data is to be used by aut­ho­ri­zed per­sons at all times. Howe­ver, if the end device is lost or sto­len, the data stored on it must be ade­qua­te­ly pro­tec­ted against unaut­ho­ri­zed access. This is espe­ci­al­ly true if the end device is per­ma­nent­ly in the pos­ses­si­on of a poten­ti­al attacker.

Use Micro­soft Bit­Lo­cker accor­ding to the sta­te of the art!

This gui­de is aimed at infor­ma­ti­on secu­ri­ty mana­gers / CISO, IT mana­gers / CIO, IT secu­ri­ty experts and their IT consultants.

The aim of the gui­de is to avo­id both the obli­ga­ti­on to report to the super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty and to noti­fy the person(s) con­cer­ned in the event of loss or theft of a Win­dows-based end device, and pos­si­bly also to avo­id fines of up to 20 mil­li­on euros or up to 4% of the com­pany’s turnover.

Plea­se also visit our Secu­ri­ty Blog, which offers cur­rent events and secu­ri­ty awa­re­ness tips.

out now: V1.1 Sept. 2017
Available rating

  • #1 Micro­soft Bit­Lo­cker Pro­tec­tion Tar­get Evaluation

  • #2 Eva­lua­ti­on of which end devices to encrypt

  • #3 Rating on encryp­ti­on strength and requi­red pass­word length.

  • #4 Assess­ment on sha­ring encrypt­ed endpoints.

  • #5 Eva­lua­ti­on of TPM usa­ge wit­hout user authentication

  • #6 Eva­lua­ti­on of authen­ti­ca­ti­on with key on a USB stick

  • #7 Eva­lua­ti­on of authen­ti­ca­ti­on with key on a USB stick with TPM and TPM PIN

  • #8 Eva­lua­ti­on of authen­ti­ca­ti­on with TPM PIN

  • #9 Eva­lua­ti­on of pass­word authentication

  • #10 Eva­lua­ti­on of the thre­ats in the ener­gy-saving modes (stand­by, hiber­na­ti­on, hybrid).

  • #11 Eva­lua­ti­on of Bit­Lo­cker Encryp­ti­on Moni­to­ring Requirements

  • #12 Assess­ment about the secu­re reti­re­ment of encrypt­ed Bit­Lo­cker volumes


  • Manage­ment Summary


  • Sta­te of the art of end­point encryption


  • Sel­ec­tion of refe­ren­ces and sources


  • Eva­lua­ti­on of the pro­tec­tion goals for BitLocker


  • Eva­lua­ti­on of the tech­ni­cal implementation


  • Bit­Lo­cker cryp­to­gra­phy and authentication


  • Use of a secu­re authen­ti­ca­ti­on method


  • Thre­ats in power saving mode


  • Moni­to­ring of encryption



  • Dele­ti­on of Bit­Lo­cker data media by overwriting

  • Request a copy

    The gui­de “Using End­point Encryp­ti­on” with Micro­soft Bit­Lo­cker in terms of the GDPR can be orde­red free of char­ge. Plea­se use the form and you will recei­ve your copy by email.