
About Andreas Schuster

Als Experte für Informationssicherheit / Informationssicherheits-Managementsysteme (ISMS), IT-Sicherheit, Authentifizierung, sowie PKI und Verschlüsselung verfügt er über mehr als 20 Jahre technische Erfahrung in Serverinfrastruktur sowie Unternehmensnetzwerkarchitektur. Seine ausgezeichneten Kenntnisse in ISO 27001 und ISA 6 / TISAX ermöglichen es ihm, Kunden in NIS2 Umsetzungen und bei InfoSec Zertifizierungsprozessen effektiv zu unterstützen. Zudem ist er hervorragend mit europäischen Zertifizierungsstellen vernetzt.

Employee Pri­va­cy Awa­re­ness: #6 Accu­ra­cy of Data

Personal data must be recorded correctly and kept accurate for the required processing period.  Individuals have the right to rectification. This principle is one of the difficult principles, because especially in the case of prospect or customer data, one does not learn about every data change and thus cannot correct it. However, it is important [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #4 Pur­po­se limi­ta­ti­on of data

Personal data may only ever be stored and processed for a permissible purpose, about which the persons concerned must always be informed. Data may only be passed on to third parties for a specific purpose, e.g. passing on address data to the parcel shipper. Examples of the transfer of data that must be documented in [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #3 Trans­pa­rent Processing

When processing personal data, the processing must be transparent to the extent necessary for the data subject to understand the processing. Comprehensibility for those affected includes, among other things: Communications must be formulated in an understandable, precise and simple language. Information and, in particular, declarations of consent must not be "hidden" in the GTCs, but [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

Employee Data Pro­tec­tion Awa­re­ness: #1 Prin­ci­ples of the GDPR

The processing and storage of personal data is prohibited in principle, unless the principle of lawfulness is met and demonstrated. The GDPR defines further principles that must be complied with and demonstrated. The personal data include: The name, age, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, IP address on the Internet, account number, all [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0020.02.2018|Data protection - awareness|

GDPR “What and How” Work­shop — SEC4YOU Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons as Review

The inventory of processing activities according to Article 30 (without sound). Video presentation of our GDPR workshop in Vienna on November 7, 2017. This video is the presentation recording of our GDPR "What & How" customer event held in Vienna on November 7, 2017. Learn with the video the important features of a register [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0026.01.2018|Blog EN, Data protection|

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 23.02.2018 — Inter­nal and exter­nal ser­vice providers

4. appointment: Internal and external service providers according to DSGVO Article 28. In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events focusing on the "what" and the "how". In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") are presented in addition to the known requirements of the EU [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0021.01.2018|Data protection, Events|

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 18.01.2018 — Tech­ni­cal & orga­niza­tio­nal measures

3rd date: Technical & organizational measures according to DSGVO Article 32. In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events that focus on the "what" and the "how". In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") are presented in addition to the known requirements of the EU [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:02+01:0020.12.2017|Data protection, Events|

Glea­nings: GDPR Work­shop — The Direc­to­ry of Pro­ces­sing Acti­vi­ties with Template

Due to the great demand of our customers and interested parties on the topic of GDPR and Directory of Procedures, SEC4YOU offered a GDPR workshop in November 2017, which specifically highlights the implementation of GDPR measures and offers affected companies the opportunity to start directly at the workshop with the measures or to support [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:15+01:0013.11.2017|Blog EN, Data protection|
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