The Secu­ri­ty Forum of the Hagen­ber­ger Kreis 2017 at the FH Hagen­berg is again a gre­at suc­cess. More than 200 par­ti­ci­pan­ts inform them­sel­ves about the latest trends, thre­ats and dan­gers of IT secu­ri­ty during the two days.

SEC4YOU is repre­sen­ted at the Secu­ri­ty Forum 2017 with an exhi­bi­tor stand and spon­sors the event. The ran­ge of ser­vices from IT audits and secu­ri­ty con­sul­ting will be pre­sen­ted. The focus is on the new ser­vices the DSGVO Rea­di­ness Check and the ISO 27001 Basis Check. Visi­tors can pick pro­fes­sio­nal secu­ri­ty awa­re­ness tips as sti­cky notes from a pin board at the SEC4YOU booth and app­ly this valuable infor­ma­ti­on in their com­pa­ny or per­so­nal area.

As in pre­vious years, the tech­ni­cal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons in the two halls are grou­ped by “Tech­no­lo­gy” and “Manage­ment”, with both sub­ject are­as equal­ly well atten­ded. The mix of stu­dents and pro­fes­sio­nal visi­tors is well balan­ced, as UAS stu­dents are also gran­ted limi­t­ed access to the event. Only stu­dents invol­ved in the event are gran­ted free access to the cordo­ned-off area on the FH grounds.

The FH Hagen­berg as a per­fect event location

The par­king issue was sol­ved in an exem­pla­ry man­ner, even par­king lot atten­dants were pro­vi­ded by vol­un­teers. With the appro­xi­m­ate­ly 200 par­ti­ci­pan­ts, the spa­ti­al capa­ci­ties in the FH wing were almost exhaus­ted. If the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts were to increase signi­fi­cant­ly in the fol­lo­wing years, the lec­tu­re halls would no lon­ger be suf­fi­ci­ent and the cate­ring area would also have to be re-planned.

The orga­ni­zing team, con­sis­ting exclu­si­ve­ly of stu­dents from the IT Secu­ri­ty Depart­ment of the Hagen­berg Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces, is excep­tio­nal­ly fri­end­ly and takes care of all the visi­tors’, exhi­bi­tors’ and spea­k­ers’ con­cerns. Here and the­re one noti­ces of cour­se that it is not a pro­fes­sio­nal event orga­ni­zer, but all tasks are tack­led shirt-slee­ved by the stu­dents with gre­at enthusiasm.

Here is an excerpt from the tech­ni­cal presentations:

  • (In)Security in Buil­ding Auto­ma­ti­on: How to crea­te dark buil­dings at the speed of light, Kers­tin Rei­sin­ger & Tho­mas Brandstetter.
  • Open your Ser­ver­’s Firm­ware — Open­POWER and OpenBMC, Wer­ner Fischer
  • From Rus­sia with Love — Les­sons Lear­ned from Respon­ding to APT28, Wolf­gang Neudorfer
  • Adver­sa­ry Simu­la­ti­on 2017 — An insight into red-team­ing prac­ti­ce, Seve­rin Winkler
  • EU-NIS-RL/DSGVO and sta­te of the art, Robert Kolm­ho­fer & Karin Neußl
  • Key­note: Words have mea­nings, Dan Tentler
  • Red vs. Blue, Timo Jobst & Flo­ri­an Bogner
  • Data pro­tec­tion manage­ment — oppor­tu­ni­ty or con­s­truc­tion site?, Georg Beham
  • Enhan­cing Pass­words: Life sup­port for cyber­se­cu­ri­ty­’s wal­king dead, Ste­ven Furnell
  • Pri­va­cy Awa­re Machi­ne Lear­ning in the Data Dri­ven Eco­no­my, Bernd Malle
  • HTTPS: Theo­ry and Prac­ti­ce, Georg Schönberger
  • Struc­tu­re of IT cri­sis manage­ment in com­pa­nies, Chris­ti­an Pumberger

As a fur­ther source of infor­ma­ti­on, the exhi­bi­tor stands of around 10 ven­dor com­pa­nies will be available on both days. The inte­rests of the exhi­bi­tors ran­ge from new busi­ness cont­acts and posi­tio­ning in the IT secu­ri­ty indus­try to employee recruit­ment among stu­dents. I think that all exhi­bi­tors are posi­ti­ve about their invest­ment as spon­sors and get a good to very good bene­fit from the event.

The purcha­se of the two-day con­fe­rence pass addi­tio­nal­ly enables the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the evening event with per­fect net­wor­king oppor­tu­ni­ties direct­ly at the UAS site. The cate­ring was excel­lent and the sup­p­ly of drinks never ending. Howe­ver, I mys­elf retur­ned to the hotel after 23h in order to be fit for the spe­cia­list pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and net­wor­king dis­cus­sions on the second day.

Keep it up, dear team of the Secu­ri­ty Forum of the Hagen­ber­ger Kreis. Working with you is real­ly fun! I am loo­king for­ward to see­ing you bring your posi­ti­vism into the busi­ness world as young IT secu­ri­ty employees.