Per­so­nal data must be recor­ded cor­rect­ly and kept accu­ra­te for the requi­red pro­ces­sing peri­od.  Indi­vi­du­als have the right to rectification.

This prin­ci­ple is one of the dif­fi­cult prin­ci­ples, becau­se espe­ci­al­ly in the case of pro­s­pect or cus­to­mer data, one does not learn about every data chan­ge and thus can­not cor­rect it. Howe­ver, it is important that data sub­jects can cor­rect their data if they wish, or that this data is corrected.

Pre­vious artic­le: Employee Data Pri­va­cy Awa­re­ness: #5 Data Minimization

Next artic­le: Employee data pro­tec­tion awa­re­ness: #7 Defi­ned dele­ti­on obligations