Yearly Archives: 2017

Back­up effec­ti­ve­ness in the age of cybercrime

Hard to believe, but there are other aspects of information security than NSA espionage, Russian/Chinese hacker groups and Turkish cybercrime activists. Everyone should still remember the basic pillars of IT security (currently in German "Informationssicherheit"), which focus on the protection goals of confidentiality, availability and integrity. Today, unfortunately, driven by the media, we only ever [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:08+01:0028.02.2017|Blog EN|

The non­sen­se of social engineering

I am often asked about social engineering during penetration tests. This is an attack method in which people are unknowingly enticed to disclose information or to support the attacker in his plan. In the preparation phase, the company's website and possibly existing profiles on various social platforms (e.g. XING, LinkedIn or Facebook) are queried to [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:18+01:0028.02.2017|Blog EN|

Cure cyber­crime blind­ness: Taking back control

Europe lags significantly behind in cybercrime detection: According to FireEye's latest M-Trends Report EMEA 2016, it takes companies in Europe an average of 469 days to notice an intrusion by hackers. That's more than three times longer than the global average of 146 days. A hacker breaking into a network is quite comparable to a [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:27+01:0028.02.2017|Blog EN|

Review: Secu­ri­ty Forum of the Hagen­berg Cir­cle in Hagenberg/Upper Austria

From April 5 to April 6, SEC4YOU supported the Security Forum of the Hagenberger Kreis in Hagenberg/Upper Austria. The event takes up the challenge to educate about the current threats to information security and highlights selected technical aspects such as security in IoT / industrial control as well as security in web applications. Experts share [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:39+01:0028.02.2017|Events|

Review: Secu­ri­ty Awa­re­ness Day Semi­nar — The Human Firewall

On May 9, 2017, Akademie Interne Revision GmbH held a security awareness seminar in Vienna entitled "Security Awareness - the Human Firewall". Seminar topic: In this seminar, the necessary elements of successful security awareness campaigns are taught. Based on psychological aspects and the typical challenges, the successful measures for sensitization, education and regular training will [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:03:53+01:0028.02.2017|Events|
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