Yearly Archives: 2017

Semi­nar: IT Secu­ri­ty / Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty on 13–14 Nov. 2017

AIR will host a seminar titled "IT Security / Information Security" from November 13-14, 2017 in Vienna focused from an audit perspective. Seminar topic: IT security is very often understood as technical measures that are intended to selectively address specific vulnerabilities. From the auditing point of view, these measures are part of a superordinate internal [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:00:43+01:0025.06.2017|Blog EN, Events|

Tip #5: Clear Desk Policy

Clear Desk Policy: Unprotected documents at the workplace can very easily be viewed or copied by unauthorized persons in your absence. Therefore, keep sensitive documents in a secure lockable location while you are away. If you work with internal or confidential data, you need an access system at the office door and a lockable box [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:22+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|

Tip #4: Cau­ti­on Social Engineering

Social engineering exploits human behavior such as helpfulness or respect for authority to obtain confidential information. When communicating with unknown people, be careful what information you disclose. Places and media used for social engineering: public transportation at the lunch table at business events in the company parking lot by telephone by e-mail online surveys through [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:29+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|

Tip #3: Always super­vi­se visitors

The entry of visitors or guests without supervision poses a risk to the protection of information. Always pick up visitors from the doorman and escort them while they are in the company. If there are guest badges, ask your visitors to wear them, especially if they are allowed to move freely around the company. Do [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:36+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|

Tip #2: A sti­cky note is no place for passwords

Sticky notes or Post-it's® are not a suitable place for the permanent storage of passwords. Any password written down allows identity theft and subsequently unauthorized access to information. Therefore, keep your passwords in a safe place. Even if it is difficult in everyday life, access codes should not be written down here: Post-it's® notebooks the [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:46+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|

Tip #1: Think befo­re you click!

Fake emails are used to spread malware and trick recipients into revealing sensitive information. Do not fall into the trap and be skeptical of unknown senders. Hence the advice to "Think before you click!". Typical deceptions that can cause harm by a click / click: Letter from the bank to update the account data, for [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:02:54+01:0002.04.2017|Hints|
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