Yearly Archives: 2017

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 18.01.2018 — Tech­ni­cal & orga­niza­tio­nal measures

3rd date: Technical & organizational measures according to DSGVO Article 32. In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events that focus on the "what" and the "how". In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") are presented in addition to the known requirements of the EU [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:02+01:0020.12.2017|Data protection, Events|

Glea­nings: GDPR Work­shop — The Direc­to­ry of Pro­ces­sing Acti­vi­ties with Template

Due to the great demand of our customers and interested parties on the topic of GDPR and Directory of Procedures, SEC4YOU offered a GDPR workshop in November 2017, which specifically highlights the implementation of GDPR measures and offers affected companies the opportunity to start directly at the workshop with the measures or to support [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:15+01:0013.11.2017|Blog EN, Data protection|

GDPR: AIR’s Basic Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on Semi­nar — 22. Jän. 2018

On January 22, 2018, Akademie Interne Revision GmbH (AIR) will be holding a seminar in Vienna on the topic of "Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO)". Seminar topic: After many years of intensive negotiations, the EU member states have agreed on a reform of data protection in Europe. The GDPR came into force on 24.5.2016 and [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:29+01:0011.11.2017|Data protection, Events|

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 12.12.2017 — Data sub­ject rights

2nd date: Data subjects' rights according to Article 12-23 - "Data subjects' rights" In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events focusing on the "what" and the "how". In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") are presented in addition to the known requirements of the [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:58:41+01:0008.11.2017|Data protection, Events|

free GDPR work­shop “What & How” on 7.11.2017

1st deadline: The directory of processing activities according to Article 30 In preparation for the General Data Protection Regulation, SEC4YOU offers a series of events focusing on the what and how. In workshops, defined results of the concrete implementation (the "how") will be presented in addition to the known requirements of the EU GDPR (the [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:59:04+01:0017.10.2017|Data protection, Events|

CMG-AE Con­fe­rence: Indus­try 4.0 — New Con­cepts and Solu­ti­ons for Safe­ty and Security

On October 19, 2017 SEC4YOU, Mr. Manfred Scholz supports the CMG-AE conference "Industry 4.0: New Concepts and Solutions for Safety and Security" with the presentation "Safety norms and standards - for practice". The presentation deals with the standard IEC 62443 Industrial communication networks - IT security for networks and systems, which will be used in [...]

By |2022-11-06T09:59:27+01:0013.10.2017|Events|

HR as a gate­way for attacks: The HR depart­ment has no firewall

Cyberattacks proceed just as they did in the analog world over 100 years ago. They are based on communication and knowledge of confidential information. While applications, networks and other technical details are always the subject of intense discussion in the Internet age, people forget about the parts of information security that have little or no [...]

By |2024-04-19T18:38:44+02:0002.09.2017|Blog EN|

Secu­ri­ty Pen­Test of the net­work infrastructure

The digital infrastructure - the IT network - is the basis for daily work in companies and entertainment at home. As long as everything works, nothing is usually questioned. But when problems occur, it is long too late. Despite several decades of development in system administration and information security, security tests still find weak points [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:00:07+01:0023.07.2017|Blog EN|

Bit­Lo­cker encryp­ti­on in terms of GDPR

We are pleased to announce the new "Guide to the use of endpoint encryption with Microsoft BitLocker in terms of the GDPR". The SEC4YOU guide looks at the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides concrete recommendations for client deployment. From the content Evaluation of protection goals for BitLocker (BL) - [...]

By |2022-11-06T10:00:24+01:0003.07.2017|Blog EN, Data protection|
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